Welcome to Guided By Wisdom. In everything that Tracey does and says, she has been guided by the Most High and the wisdom He has imparted in her life. Her vision is to provide a resource for others to bring healing and wholeness. 

Tracey openly shares her trials and triumphs. In her books she is extremely transparent about the events in her life, her shortcomings, and how she overcame domestic violence and the burdensome feelings of guilt stemming from her childhood trauma.

Tracey is a life coach, helping others to manage domestic violence, grief, singleness, and life decisions. Her mission is to get clients to the next level...FREEDOM TO BE WHO THEY WERE CREATED TO BE and triumphant over everything that hinders their life.

Now, Tracey walks in her wisdom, truth, and lives free. She is a painter, artist, horticulturist, and jewelry maker. She is a mother, dear friend, and confidant to many. Her gift is JOY...bringing it to everyone she meets.


Are you ready? Let's get guided by wisdom!




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